4 photographs and 6 information cards Photographs and information cards relating to Grinnell, Mulsifyre and Protectospray sprinkler systems
1 box containing 11 items Mather & Platt Publicity Material and Memorandum and Articles of Association
Notes on Dynamos No. 10, containing details of method of testing dynamos and electric motors supplied to various companies with accompanying charts of test results, sketches and comments. Mather & Platt Ltd Notes on Dynamos
Information booklet issued to employee on becoming an employee at the Park Works site. The booklet contains details of which department they would be working in who would be their foreman. It also contains rules they were expected to follow as an employee of the company. The booklet also gives details of the benefits and societies they could join. There is also a plan of the works included in the booklet showing where the departments were located. Information for Employees
Logbook of a trainee working at Mather & Platt relating to mechanical fitting and mechanical maintenance. Trainee Logbook and Performance Record
Binder containing publicity material providing basic specifications and descriptions for various models of electric motors, induction motors and electrical machinery manufactured by the company. Catalogues for Electrical Motors and Electrical Machinery
First volume of notes related to dynamos manufactured by Mather & Platt contains detailed notes on early research worked out in partnership with Dr John Hopkins at the University of Manchester during the 1880s. The volume contains records for the earliest dynamos the company researched developed and manufactured and contain details such as dynamo number, type of dynamo, rating (by number of light bulbs), purpose for which it was manufactured, and results of tests carried out on some of them prior to delivery. Notes on Dynamo No 1
Minute book recording monthly meetings of the Board of Directors of the company along with a number of documents and Annual Reports which have been tipped in. Minute Book No.2
Minute book recording first meeting of the Board of Directors of the company through to an Extraordinary Meeting held in 1899 agreeing to the reconstruction of the company and registering it as a Limited company. Minute Book